New Life!

Building Fellowship & Bettering Communities through the Gospel

Welcome Home!

Here is how we are preparing for you:

In accordance with CDC guidelines, we recommend you and your family wear a cloth face covering or mask.


After you arrive at church, we want to take every step of precaution as prescribed by the CDC to ensure that our church is safe, secure, sanitized and spacious for you, and your family.

  1. To serve you safely all leaders and volunteers will be wearing face masks.
  2. Our chairs in the sanctuary and equipment will be sanitized for our services.  The bathrooms and the rest of the bldg. will be sanitized and cleaned.
  3. We are asking everyone to social distance while in our church.
  4. We are asking that you do very little greeting time while you are inside the church.  Please when dismissed go outside the building.
  5. There will be no offering collected in the sanctuary, but rather an offering box will be in the lobby to place your tithes and offerings in.
  6. There will be no children’s and youth ministries at this present time.
  7. We will be encouraging the families to sit together in the auditorium.
  8. We will be placing the seating in accordance with CDC guidelines of social distancing.  Please do not move the seats.  Contact an usher first if a chair needs to be moved.
  9. We will provide hand sanitizer at the front lobby of church.
  10. Service time will be shortened due to children present.
  12. All ushers have been asked to refrain from all physical contact.
  13. If COVID-19 symptomatic, or if HIGH RISK then we invite you to participate with us from video sermons.
  14. If you have had any of the following symptoms this week please do not come in:   
  • A fever 100 degrees;
  • cough or sore throat;
  • shortness of breath;
  • or contact with anyone confined to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days

Guidelines for Services after 14 June 2020